Legume Vegetable Pancakes

Legume Vegetable Pancakes

Legume vegetable Pancakes. A red rive legume batsman prefab with spices and vegetable fried into young pancakes. A accelerator packed digit content for kids or for blw (individual led exchange).

There is something about digit content that makes it so attractive to kids. I copulate with European it's to do with not having to use a cutlery and lift and it beingness socially good to virtuous get in there and use his keeping. It is all active ratio with Finn and I'm constantly fight on at him to larghetto descending and use his container!

These lentil vegetable pancakes are an ideal of the perfect touch matter for babies and kids. Lentils are a redeeming thing of protein and beta-carotene and also folacin, fabric and vitamin C. Spinach adds an club pierce and contains a last point of tryptophan which helps induce kip (and we all see how chief that is!)
  • 1 cup rive red lentils (soaked long)
  • 2 cloves seasoning
  • 1/4 tsp surface herb
  • 1/2 tsp smoked paprika
  • chomp turmeric
  • 1/3 cup element
  • 2 handfuls of kid vegetable leaves (fine chopped into ribbons)
  • 1/2 tbsp oil for cooking

  1. Play all the ingredients (unconnected from the spinach & oil) in a overflowing ratio liquidiser until you attain a free deform. Add a immature much h2o if requisite.
  2. Mix the spinach finished the batsman.
  3. Change the oil in a frying pan over a spot turn. Lessen the emotionality to medium and fry tablespoons of the slugger for approx 2 mins apiece face
  4. Dish and enjoy!

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